Wednesday, January 31, 2007

More Amida-shu admissions

Here are Saille and Terran with Dharmavidya after their admissions ceremony at the retreat day last Sunday. This was a very special day, as Terran joined the school, having been a good friend of all of our for many years. It was wonderful that she could make it and that we were able to arrange the ceremony at short notice. Terran lives in Seatle and had travelled up for the retreat. It was so imprompu that she had to borrow Saille's wagessa till we can get her her own!

Wonderful too to confirm Saille's membership. She has had such a rough year, battling with cancer and it is wonderful to see her well and out of treatment. Posted by Picasa

The Other Buddhism

Just got the information about the publication dates of my next book through. This is The Other Buddhism . I'm really please with the cover that O-Books have produced, which includes a photo of Allouette Lake, Vancouver which I took last January.

Fitting that this has come through when we are once more visiting Vancouver.