Monday, March 02, 2009

London workshop

A Day Workshop with Caroline Brazier
Sunday 22nd March 10am – 4pm

What makes you feel guilty? Do you feel anxious and uncomfortable about things which you have done? Do you feel a gnawing sense of shame without really knowing why? Many of us suffer from feelings of guilt and shame. Feeling like this sap our confidence and reduce our capacity to live happily. In extreme cases, they can be a blight on a person's life. People may be reassuring, encouraging us to discount such feelings and build our self-esteem, but this doesn't really work. Often we just end up feeling guilty about our feelings of guilt. We add layers of shame to our guilty feeling because we know we have sometimes got thing wrong or not always acted for the best reasons. This day workshop will give you a chance to explore the topic of guilt. We will use discussion, personal sharing, and meditative exercises to look at different aspects of this complex and troubling topic. and look at ways of moving beyond the taboo of guilt into a more productive relationship with our past and present experience. A light vegetarian lunch will be provided.

Caroline Brazier is the author of Guilt: an exploration published by O-Books February 2009. Her other books are Buddhist Psychology and The Other Buddhism. Caroline is a full time member of the Amida Order and leader of its psychotherapy training programme

The workshop will be followed by a seminar (5 – 7pm) for counsellors and therapists who have attended the day workshop and wish to discuss the application of ideas in their work A light snack will be provided.

Public Talk Friday 20th March:
Caroline will be giving a public talk and book reading at Sukhavati at 7.30 (Suggested donation £5/£3)

Venue: Sukhavati, 21 Sussex Way, London N7 6RT
To book please telephone: 0207 2632183 or email:

Cost of Workshop £15 waged/£10 unwaged; Seminar £10.


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